

Elyse Taylor und O’Neill One Way Runway


Die Bewerbungsphase für den O’Neil One Way Runway Contest läuft nun schon seit Anfang des Monats und wir wollen Euch mal wieder mit den Neuigkeiten aus der “Superkini”- Szene beglücken.

Ganz frisch mit dabei ist das Model Elyse Taylor, die natürlich in Ibiza auch mit dabei sein wird, um die ausgewählten Mädels zu coachen und auf Ihren neuen Job als Models vorzubereiten. Quasi die Heidi Klum der Bikiniwelt.

Mrs Taylor schaut nicht nur verdammt gut aus, sondern ist auch noch nett. Hier ein Interview von O’Neill um auch die inneren Werte darzulegen. Das Ganze auf Englisch damit auch Ihr ein wenig gefordert werdet.

Elyse TaylorO: When you were discovered at age 14, did you want to model?

ET: Actually, I was discovered at 18. My friend was modeling and her agent said I should do it too. So that’s how it started
It’s funny, the stuff you read online. Besides being discovered at 14, I apparently also live in a lot of different countries and own all kinds of homes. (laughs) Really I own one apartment in New York City.

O: You have been on the cover of Vogue Australia 2 years in a row (May 2010 & Nov. 2009)! What was that like to find out you made the cover?

ET: It was originally supposed to be a couple pages in an editorial and the editor came down and said to do a cover try. I never really paid attention to it because I never thought they would run it, and they did! It was exciting. The second time I thought I had a little better of a chance of getting the cover because there was more hype at the time. We did a couple cover tries and it turned out.

O: What was it like to see your Vogue cover on the newsstands?

ET: It was really weird. They had mass pictures of the magazine all around, so my head was everywhere. My friends would send me pictures of the covers, which they had drawn mustaches all over. It was pretty funny.

O: Were those some of your more memorable shoots? If not, what has been? What was one of your worst shoots?

ET: Destinations that I would never really go to are always fun. I did a shoot in the Arctic Circle, which was really cool. It didn’t get dark until 11pm, we shot on a frozen lake, we all had ski doos to get around in. It was really fun. The worst shoots are the really mundane ones in studio. They are usually 2-3 days and it’s all the same stuff over and over. It gets old.

O: Have you ever had to do something difficult or uncomfortable to get a great shot?

ET: One shoot we did in Morocco, the dresses weren’t suited to the culture and I got spit on by some of the men and that was very uncomfortable.

O: You worked NY Fashion Week. Can you tell us who you walked for?

ET: I walked for Monique Lhuillier, Nanette Lepore, Ralph Lauren, and Tory Burch.

O: What was your first runway show like?

ET: I remember when I first came over, I think it was for BCBG, it was one of the first shows of fashion week. There were a lot of big names and I remember being in the line up and being star struck. I was 18 and wondering why I was there.

Elyse TaylorO: You have been the face of O’Neill for almost a year now! You are also designing a swim line for O’Neill? Can you tell us about that?

ET: I’m really excited for the opportunity to design and get some experience in that field. This will be the first time I have ever designed. It’ll be great to see another side of this industry.

O: What style swimsuits will we see from your collection?

ET: For the bikini line, I prefer a more simple style. No jewelry, dangle bits, shiny things. I like well cut, fitted, and sophisticated styles

O: Will the line have lots of color?

ET: It will be more neutral, but a few color pieces in there, but I like black, white and nude. More simple, classic and sophisticated.

Elyse TaylorO: When will the line be out?

ET: Spring 2012

O: Where do you get your design inspirations?

ET: I pulled some stuff from magazines and old clippings that I had because I have wanted to design before so I had already started collecting stuff. So when I got the opportunity to work with O’Neill I started emailing the things I like and what I don’t like.

O: Who are some of your favorite designers?

ET: Rick Owens, Isabel Marant. I like basic stuff as well. I like to be casual.

O: What’s your go to outfit when you aren’t working?

ET: I wear a lot of leather and black. In summer, denim shorts. Just really simple and casual. I rarely wear heels, but if I do they are ankle boots. I like to keep it simple and comfortable.

O: How do you like working with O’Neill?

ET: It’s fun! It’s always fun and it’s fun for you guys to put me in a rain forest, or in water with fish! (Elyse has a fear of bugs)

Elyse TaylorO: Where did your fear of bugs and wildlife come from?

ET: I’m from Australia, you die! If you get bitten by a spider you can die, I don’t know why it’s so strange or funny! (as she is laughing)
You have 12 seconds after a bite and your arm swells up and falls off and you pass out!

O: I read that you have your scuba diving license.

ET: I just got my license while I was in Mexico for New Years with my boyfriend.

O: How did you get over your fear of the little creatures in the ocean?

ET: I was so concerned with breathing, I didn’t have time to think about the sea life. One time I went down, they make you put all your gear together yourself so you learn, and I forgot to turn open the gas tank. So I’m under the water giving the signal for “I can’t breath” and my boyfriend is looking at me like, “really?”. So I had to go back to the surface and start over.

O: Do you even get much downtime because you are always traveling?

ET: I have 3 days next week so I’ll spend time with my boyfriend and go back home to NYC and just hang out and relax. August is usually pretty quite in the industry, so I take some time off then and I usually get 2 weeks off at the end of the year for the holidays.

O: How do you keep in shape?

ET: I exercise and eat right. Unfortunately there’s no secret to it.

O: What do you do at the gym?

ET: I do the elliptical, run, or walk at a fast pace, and the bike.

O: So you have any guilty pleasures?

ET: I love burgers and lasagna, all the things I’m not supposed to eat. All the Carbs. I also spend way too much money on clothes I don’t need and on Holidays.

Elyse Taylor

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Und hier noch die neusten Clips zum Superkini Model Contest…MITMACHEN.JETZT



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