
Derek Ho


RIP: Surflegende Derek Ho “Uncle D” stirbt mit 55 Jahren

Der 17. Juli 2020 wird als schwarzer Tag in die Surfgeschichte eingehen, denn die Surfwelt hat eine Pipe-Legende verloren.

Derek Ho, oder besser bekannt als “Uncle D” erlag den Folgen eines Herzinfarktes. Der Onkel von Mason und Coco Ho war 1993 World Champ und 4x Triple Crown Gewinner. Mit seinem legendären Style war er einer der bedeutsamsten Surfer seiner Zeit und gerade an der North Shore eine feste Instanz. Er surfte noch bis kurz vor seinem Tod an den heftigsten Tagen in Pipeline und wird eine große Lücke in der Surf Community hinterlassen. Die gesamte Surfszene nahm Anteil an dem tragischen Verlust.

John Florence: Such a sad day for our community. Derek Ho has been someone I’ve always looked up to growing up, from being the first Hawaiian world champion to being able to get giant barrels at pipe in his fifties with his brother and family. I hope that I can be surfing out there smiling getting waves like he did when I’m that age with my brothers. Thank you Uncle Derek for all you have done for our sport and all the inspiration you have given.


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Mick Fanning: So sad to hear we lost another great soul. Uncle D was always such a friendly and funny guy towards me. Full of life and quirky in the amazing HO family way. To see him still surfing places like pipeline as good as anyone at 55 is a huge inspiration. Your memory, legacy and character will live on and inspire many in the future. Much love to all the Ho family in this time. Love you


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Coco Ho: I love how much Uncle Derek love and admired dad – while mason and I looked at him with the same awe and admiration. Uncle Derek called my dad, “dad” and dad called him “baby D.” He was ‘Uncle’ to me, but he was extraordinary. He oozed love and family, he is the father to two of my best friends. I always looked at him with heart eyes, he was my ultimate hero. He competed and walked through life with a super strong soul (less emotional then dad and I.) That’s how dad coached me- with examples of Uncle Derek. When I look at photos of him I feel that strong soul, I see our families rock, I draw inspiration from that champion, I heavily miss my Uncle.

The out pour of love and respect has been seen and felt. We’ve shown dad posts and he’ll smile and share a story. He also told me, “reply to everyone.” 😂😅.

We did set up a go fund me account. Cause as we all know, the current state of the world has proven to be trying for so many of us. Your varying forms of love and support thus far have been overwhelmingly kind and heartfelt. So whatever you feel you are being called upon to contribute, please know it is already more than enough and very much appreciated. -Ho Ohana


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Jamie O’Brien: The Pipeline king @derekho1980 💔 I’m going to miss you!!! Lost for words!!!! Rest In Peace 😓


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