

Surfelite engagiert sich für australische Hilfsorganisationen

Es ist schwer in Worte zu fassen, was in Australien momentan passiert.

Die Brände des diesjährigen Sommeranfangs werden als die wohl schlimmste Naturkatastrophe in die Geschichte des Landes eingehen. Über 5,5 Millionen Hektar sind bisher verbrannt, 1400 Häuser vernichtet, 24 Menschen kamen ums Leben. Ganz zu schweigen von den verendeten Tieren, die bereits auf über eine Milliarde geschätzt werden. Die Zerstörung ist gewaltig, und die Welt schaut besorgt auf das sonst so sorglose Land. Viele Organisationen kümmern sich um Hilfe und auch Surfer & Surfbrands haben ebenfalls Aktionen gestartet, um Gutes zu tun. 


Mick Fanning / Dragon Alliance

In Zusammenarbeit mit seinem langjährigen Brillen-Sponsor Dragon verlost Mick eines seiner Weltmeister-Surfboards. Die Verlosung findet am Montag, den 13. Januar statt. Die Spenden gehen an das Rote Kreuz Australien. Der momentan gebotene Preis liegt bereits bei über 18.000 US-Dollar.


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BUSHFIRE FUNDRAISER 🇦🇺 @dragonausnz are raffling one of my signed surfboards with all funds raised going towards @redcrossau. To enter -> Follow the link in @dragonausnz bio, donate & leave your name, email & postcode! The raffle will end on Monday Jan 13th & the board can be shipped anywhere in AUS + NZ 🙏

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Julian Wilson / JS Industries / FCS

Julian Wilson verlost wie Mick eines seiner Surfboards für einen guten Zweck. Dazu will sein Sponsor FCS am kommenden Wochenende alle eingenommenen Gewinne spenden.


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Proud to partner with @fcs_surf to offer up one of my @jsindustries1 boards . They will be raffling it off for AUD$20 a ticket with 100% of proceeds going to the Red Cross Disaster Relief @redcrossau in an attempt to do their bit to support the Australian community. Also, they are throwing in all profits from sales through the FCS website this weekend, globally. Please buy a ticket or 10! Link in bio. More to come from my family and I on this horrible situation we are facing all over the country. ❤️

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Julian Wilson (@julian_wilson) am

Occy / Bosko

Occy-Fans aufgepasst. Es wird ein handsigniertes Modell JS Raging Bull verlost. Der Surf-Fotograf Bosko, der bereist aktiv Spenden für Brandopfer gesammelt hat, versteigert am Samstag, den 11. Januar, dieses Board. Die Spenden gehen an Treading Lightly. Das Board liegt derzeit bei 1.600 US-Dollar.


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@mjaudette overnight has bid $4000USD =$5200Aud he is a huge fan of Occy, and hails from the USA. Thanks for supporting Australia in a time of crises @mjaudette 🙌🏼🙌🏼 @markocchilupo @treading_lightly_inc the bidding will stop at 8pm Saturday 11th Jan. ⚡️ thank you to all that have bid on this board.🙌🏼

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Sally Fitzgibbons / Boost Mobile

Sally Fitzgibbons verfolgt einen innovativen Ansatz sowohl in Bezug auf die Brände, als auch in Bezug auf das Thema Klimawandel und unterstützt Boost Mobile bei seinen Bemühungen, Gegenmaßnahmen einzuleiten. Sie spenden alle Gewinne aus dem Verkauf von überholten Telefonen, die im Januar verkauft wurden. “Wenn Sie oder ein Freund im nächsten Monat ein neues Telefon benötigen, ist jetzt die Chance”, sagt Sally.


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Thankful for the support of my surf partner for #bushfireappeal – Reposted from @boostaus Our hearts are breaking for our fellow communities and wildlife across this great nation💔 Our thoughts and prayers are with all of those affected. To try and help in any way we can we are donating 100% of profits from all refurbished phones sold in January to Bushfire Relief. If you or a friend is in need of a new phone over the next month, now is the chance, just click the link in our bio . ​If you prefer you can donate directly at the below links:…/disaster-relief-and-recovery-… There are also so many other places you can donate and help, these are just a few more: @salvosau @rspcaaustralia @cfavic @nswrfs ​#prayforaustralia #prayforrain

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Sally Fitzgibbons (@sally_fitz) am

Dion Agius

Dion Agius verfolgt einen künstlerischen Ansatz und verkauft eine ganz besondere Fotokollektion. Das eingenommene Geld geht an Kangaroo Island Relief und Recover Bushfire Fund. Wer Interesse hat, der soll sich bitte einfach per DM an Dion wenden.


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It’s a very confusing time to know what to do to help out in such an overwhelming situation… so in light of the current bushfire devastation in Australia I’m going to make making 10 of these prints to ship worldwide. $100 each with the funds raised going directly to the Kangaroo Island relief & Recover Bushfire fund. DM for details. There are some amazing initiatives happening Australia wide to help put funds in the right places, including the Kangaroo Island Mayoral relief & Recovery Bushfire fund, I have friends affected in Kangaroo Island and the effects of the fire have been devastating to say the least. I have also included the link in my BIO anything that you can give I’m sure will go a long way. I think it is also important to remember right now the people and foundations that are out there everyday fighting for climate action such as the @bobbrownfoundation who are doing all they can everyday to stop things such as the Adani Coal mine going ahead and the the old growth logging of Tasmania’s Tarkine, which is Australia’s largest cool temperate rainforest and holds the ability to help sequester huge amounts of carbon annually, such as the 400 million megatonnes (2/3rds of Australia’s annual output) these recent bush fires have emitted into the atmosphere. The continuing mining for coal and cutting down of forests in Australia which are only helping to speed up the global warming process seems utterly absurd right now. Huge shoutout to the firefighters of Australia for your absolutely incredible work out there on then frontlines right now, if anyone knows any firefighters out there working on the ground please thanks them below so I can get together some gift packs when this shit is over to show our gratitude for their amazing efforts.

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Dion (@dionagius) am

Chris Hemsworth

Chris Hemsworth hat angekündigt, dass er eine Million US-Dollar spenden wird. „Meine Familie und ich spenden eine Million Dollar. Macht mit, denn jeder Cent zählt.“, schreibt Hemsworth über Instagram.


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Hi everyone. Like you, I want to support the fight against the bushfires here in Australia. My family and I are contributing a million dollars. Hopefully you guys can chip in too. Every penny counts so whatever you can muster up is greatly appreciated. In my bio I’ve added links to support the fire fighters, organisations and charities who are working flat out to provide support and relief during this devastating and challenging time. Beyond appreciative to everyone around the world for their well wishes and donations. It really does make a difference, so dig deep! Love ya.

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McTavish Surfboards verlost eine sehr seltenes, von Bob McTavish geshaptes 9’5 “-Cord aus seinem persönlichen Archiv. Gewinnspielkarten kosten 100 US-Dollar pro Los, und es wurden bereits 42.000 US-Dollar gesammelt. Der Gewinner wird am Montag 13. Januar bekannt gegeben. Der Erlös wird an WIRES gespendet, um einheimische Tiere zu retten.


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8 0 T I C K E T S L E F T We have raised over $42,000 and counting! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Thank you everyone who has donated, we are so stoked to see the outcome so far. There are only a few tickets left to go in the running to win this very rare, early-1966 9’5″ Cord shaped by Bob McTavish from the personal archive. Grab one for $100 each online (link in bio) and in-store for the next few days or tag a mate who you think should. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Winner will be announced and contacted next Monday 13th at around 5 pm. 100% of the proceeds are going directly to WIRES to help rescue our native animals in distress.

Ein Beitrag geteilt von McTavish Surf (@mctavishsurf) am

Ocean and Earth

Ocean and Earth hat eine GoFundMe-Kampagne gestartet, um 100.000 US-Dollar von der internationalen Surf-Community zu sammeln und für einen guten Zweck zu spenden.


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This past week the bushfires have devastated the South Coast of NSW, Australia. Here at Ocean and Earth we were lucky that all our employees were safe and none lost their homes. We were also lucky that the factory escaped the fires as well. However, many people in our community , family and friends, were not so lucky. People have lost loved ones, homes, businesses and now some people only have the clothes on their backs. Wildlife and forests have been completely destroyed and the fires still continue to burn. In the busiest time of the year for these local communities, it’s now a ghost town, with most essential services like electricity, fuel, food scarce and major roads closed. The people of the South Coast relied on summer holidays for their income for the entire year and to get them through winter. It really is heartbreaking for our community. The South Coast people need your immediate help. Our aim is raise $100,000 through a gofundme campaign from the world surf community to disperse among the different local registered charity groups who are doing an amazing job on the ground getting these communities back on their feet. We also want to donate to the Rural Fire Service which has been working for over a month to contain these fires and save lives and properties. Without the RFS many communities would have been totally destroyed including ours. The RFS are all volunteers who risk their lives to save others. They are the true heroes of these fires. Besides donating money, one of the best ways you can help these communities is to book your next holiday on the South Coast. It’s a beautiful part of the world, with some of the best beaches, restaurants, hotels and activities in the world. Also please buy South Coast produce from your local supermarket and restaurants. If they don’t have it, then demand it! LET’S JOIN TOGETHER AS A SURF COMMUNITY AND GET THE SOUTH COAT PEOPLE BACK ON THEIR FEET! Thanks, the entire team at O&E Please click the link in our bio for the go fund me campaign! 🙏❤️ All 📸 @josh_burkinshaw

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Boardriders Inc. (Billabong und Quik) wird an diesem Wochenende all ihre Gewinne im Online-Verkauf in Australien spenden. Die Aktion gilt für die gesamte Boardriders-Markenfamilie.


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Australia is burning and the only way to help is by all of us joining hands and pitching in. ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ This weekend, January 11-12, Billabong, along with the rest of the Boardriders family of brands as well as Surf Dive ‘n Ski, will be donating 100% of the profits from its sales in Australia to support the Australian brushfire relief and prevention efforts. ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ This is the first of many initiatives we have in the works to support our country in crisis, and visit @wireswildliferescue to learn more about our relief effort partner.

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Hurley spenden für jeden “Like” des unten aufgeführten IG Postings einen USD an australische Hilfsorganisationen (bis zu 25.000 USD).


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1 like = $1 donation. ⠀⠀⠀ For every like that this post gets, Hurley will donate $1 USD to the @WIRESWildlifeRescue Emergency Fund, a rescue organization in NSW, Australia taking immediate action to help sick, injured and orphaned wildlife. We’ll match your like with $1 (up to $25,000 USD). ⠀⠀⠀ Oz is a special place, and it’s under threat from the most catastrophic wildfires in living memory—it’s up to all of us around the world to unite and help this incredible country.

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