Der Rip Curl Pro Bells Beach war der vierte Stopp auf der World Surf League (WSL) 2022 Championship Tour (CT) und sorgte nach längerer Auszeit für jede Menge Action und Emotionen.
Im Finale mussten sich die übrigen Surfer mit immer kleiner werdenden Wellen arrangieren und so schafften es am Ende Tyler Wright (AUS) and Filipe Toledo (BRA) ganz oben aufs Treppchen.
Die zweimalige WSL Weltmeisterin Tyler Wright (AUS) war die ganze Woche die dominierende Surferin im Wasser und ließ auch im Finale Carissa Moore keine Chance.

“Honestly this means the world right now.I want to start by thanking the Wadawurrung people for having us here on their country this week. This is an emotional win for me. I’ve won two World Titles but this win feels almost as big for me. I’ve been competing here and walking down those stairs for 12 years now and to get the win, with a lot of my family here, I’m over the moon and beyond stoked. It’s been a long four years for me recovering from what I went through (post-viral syndrome) and I’m only just feeling like myself in the water again. There’s been multiple times where I just wanted to give up. I worked so hard to be here, and I’m just so beyond grateful to have the support I had, and the love and the care as well. It is more than a win, it’s the only event I ever really wanted to win and here I am and I’m pretty over the moon and beyond stoked.” so Tyler nach ihrem Sieg