“Here & Now” so heisst der neue Clip mit Miguel Blanco, der ähnlich wie Lee Wilson dem besten Swell seit Jahren nach Indonesien gefolgt ist, um in Nias die wohl heftigsten Bedingungen zu scoren, die wir seit langem gesehen haben. Mit dem Cover im Surfer Magazine sollte dieses Session sein Leben tatsächlich für immer verändern.
“This has been a great year. Such a great rollercoaster! I’ve been putting a lot of energy into surfing and just stoked to be doing what I love the most everyday! I had a big gap in summer so I decided to go to Puerto and Indo. Caught a good swell in Puerto and somehow ended up being in Indo for the biggest swell in this last decade. “Here & Now” shows some of that action. To add to that magic trip, Surfer Magazine came out and I was in the cover! My first cover on an international magazine. Back home, I was doing the national league where the champ has a chance to surf the WCT in Portugal as a wildcard. I had some chance to win it but it wasn’t looking too pretty. Well, I guess everything came together and I won the event, crowned National champ and earned the wildcard for the WCT in Peniche.” so der talentierte Surfer aus Portugal.
Mit einer Wildcard für den WCT Tourstopp in Peniche kann er sich nun mit der internationale Konkurrenz in seiner Heimat messen.