Natxo González war mit Sicherheit der herausragende Surfer bei der Nazaré Challenge. Nicht nur seine 10 Punkte Welle mit der er Geschichte geschrieben hat, sondern auch mit seinem Commitment und seinem Style hat er wirklich auf ganzer Linie überzeugt. Grund genug ihm mit dem “Jogos Commitment Award” auszuzeichnen!
The whole day was like a dream. The waves were amazing and the vibe in the water was incredible. I was a little nervous in my first heat, but everything came together in my semi final and to score a barrel out here today was amazing. After I took off, I had to take a high line right away and when I came flying out I could not believe what just happened. I started crying on the jet ski on the way back out, it was a really emotional moment. There’s so much pressure, so much adrenaline… Thanks to the World Surf League for such an epic call and to all my friends who are here with me.“ so Natxo.