Ohja! Ein paar der Dakine Surf Teamrider, darunter auch Albee Layer und Kalani David, scoren in Tahiti aber mal so richtig fein! Der Titel dieser fast 8,5 Minuten reinster Unterhaltung trägt den Namen Parallèle, den Dakine Ohana so erklärt: “Our time in Tahiti made it abundantly clear that even though we speak different languages, Hawaii and Tahiti cultures are two of the same. We parallel each other with trust in protecting each other and the environment, personal values, gratefulness, generosity, and the desire put others before ourselves. In a nut shell, the spirit of Aloha lives far beyond the Hawaiian waters. Our Tahitian experience was greeted with a warm smile and beautiful pikake flowers for the crew. The Tahitians are some of the most beautiful humans to walk this planet, or in our case charge some of the most death-defying waves. For the next 8 minutes we hope you enjoy an experience we will never forget.”