

Dusty Payne im Krankenhaus nach Backdoor Wipeout

Gerade erst hat sich Maui Local Dusty Payne wieder von einer Rückenverletzung erholt und schon geschieht das nächste Drama.

Bei einer massiven Backdoor Barrel stürzte er beim Drop und landete auf dem flachen Riff. Die Rettungsaktion wurde Dank dem Wasserfotograf Keoki Saguibo und Jimmy „Ulu Boi“ Napeahi sofort eingeleitet, nachdem Dusty nach seinem Sturz nicht gleich wieder zur Wasseroberfläche kam. Dennoch bekam er 5 Brecher auf den Kopf und blieb über 2 Minuten bewusstlos. Er wurde am Strand direkt von der Water Patrol in das nächste Krankenhaus gebracht und hier warten wir momentan noch auf genauere Informationen.

Laut einem Freund kann er Arme, Hände und Beine bewegen, aber wie gut es genau um ihn steht wissen wir leider noch nicht.

Hier der Augenzeugenbericht von Keoki Saguibo und Jimmy „Ulu Boi“ Napeahi:

„He spun in underneath and couldn’t set his rail. His board slipped out from under him, he went over the handlebars and went headfirst to penetrate the wave.Usually when a wipeout like that happens and there’s no sign of struggle, that person is definitely out. It was enough to trigger the alarm. I knew something was wrong, so I yelled my head off and swam as fast as I could while the set was still going on. I got to him and Ulu boy got to him too. It all happened so fast, next thing you know there were 4 or 5 surfers helping out.“

„I was paddling out and saw Dusty’s board slipped out. I knew that was a bad place to fall, and once Keoki yelled and I beelined towards them. I caught a wave and it took me right to Dusty. I pulled on his leash, swam down, grabbed him and straddled his legs around my waist. Keoki, who was keeping his neck straight, kept saying “we got you, it’s going to be ok” and that calmed me down. Once we got to the beach, everyone was there and let the lifeguards, the professionals, do their job.”



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