

NEWS: Dusty Payne startet Spendenkampagne für North Shore Life Guards

Dusty Payne – bei seinem letzten Wipeout in Backdoor hat er seinem Namen wirklich alle Ehre gemacht. Rückblickend hat er sein Leben tatsächlich einigen couragierten Leuten zu verdanken, die nicht gezögert haben, ihn aus der Impact Zone von Pipeline zu retten. Ganz vorne mit dabei der Fotograf Keoki Saguibo und Jimmy “Ulu Boi” Napeahi. Doch ein ganz besonderen Dank hat Dusty auch den Life Guards der North Shore ausgesprochen.

It’s hard to even start this and put it all into words..Let me start by expressing my deepest gratitude and thanks to @photokeoki , @uluboi , @_mikey_redd, @tai_vandyke and @northshorelifeguardassociation for saving my life??… without these God sent angels, I wouldn’t be sitting here writing this today. I am overwhelmed, humbled and so grateful for the outpouring of love, prayers, support, cards, and messages that have been sent from all over the world. All of the positive support from everyones messages has helped me get better everyday…I’m so grateful to be alive and finally back home on Maui to continue my healing and start rehabbing… ————————————————— This has been a surreal and life altering experience for me. I don’t remember the day of the accident or really any of the 2-1/2 weeks in ICU.. My head is still pretty scrambled, but I know I’m blessed to be here and just need time to heal. I know things could’ve turned out way different without the help that came to me as quickly as it did. I’m thankful for the ICU doctors and nurses at Queens and the surgeons who put me back together. Especially grateful for my family for being with me every step of the way. ———————————————— A lot of people have asked me how they can help/what they can do… my family and I have created a Go Fund Me account (link is in my bio) to which 100% of the proceeds will go directly to supporting the @northshorelifeguardassociation. More funds are needed for these guys to be able to offer more training in proper CPR, water extraction and first aid. These heroes put their lives at risk everyday for the publics safety, and unfortunately they don’t really get the support and recognition they deserve. ———————————————— Thank you again to everyone who played a role in saving my life. I can’t wait to get back in the water and back to doing what I love ?????

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Dusty Payne (@dusty_payne) am

Nach mehreren schwierigen Operationen und Reha-Maßnamen ist Dusty nun wieder in seiner Heimat Maui und statt sich um sich selbst zu kümmern, hat er eine Spendenkampagne zur Unterstützung der North Shore Lifeguards ins Leben gerufen. Hiermit will er die unterbezahlten Rettungsschwimmer unterstützen und fördern. Seine Art DANKE zu sagen. Wir sind gerührt und wünschen Dusty alles Gute auf seinem dem Weg zurück in das Leben eines Pro Surfers!



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