

Desert Point – Surfcommunity rettet Surfer nach schrecklichem Wipeout

Manchmal ist es nur ein ganz schmaler Grat zwischen Himmel und Hölle.

Das musste auch der australische Surfer Nathan Bartlett in Desert Point auf Lombok erfahren. Es war der 16. Juni und ein sehr guter Swell hielt sich über zwei Tage an dem Spot. Nathan ist ein geübter Surfer und hat bereist am Vortag viele gute Wellen abstauben können. Bei einer mittelgroßen Welle stürzte er dann bei einem Take Off und wurde auf das Riff geschleudert. Es war High Tide, wobei der Spot damit nicht ungefährlicher wird. Der Bodyboarder Renan Farias und Fotogaf Kako Lopes verfolgten das schreckliche Schauspiel und kamen sofort zu Hilfe.

Nathan war bereits bewusstlos und hatte tiefe Schnittwunden im Gesicht. Kako begann im Wasser mit Wiederbelebungsmaßnahmen und so schafften sie es nach 5 langen Minuten zu einem Fischerboot, welches ihn sicher an Land brachte. Erst zurück in einem Warung kam er zu sich und wurde in das nächste Dorf für die Erstversorgung gebracht. Zwei Tage später konnte er nach Bali transportiert werden, um ihn weiter behandeln zu können. Mittlerweile ist er wieder zurück in Australien und auf dem Weg der Besserung. Ein Dank an die Surf-Community ohne die wir an solchen Plätzen eine Verletzung diese Art niemals überleben würden. Passt auf Euch auf!

Hier noch die Schilderung des Fotografen und Retter in der Not:

Here’s how the drama unfolded according to Photographer Kako Lopes…

„The incident with Nathan happened on the last swell at Deserts on June 16. Nathan was probably the best surfer during that swell, he had already racked up many tubes the day before, and that day too. It was around two o’clock in the afternoon, the tide was full – and I think this is also worth noting – FULL TIDE DOES NOT MEAN THAT IT IS SAFER. “

„I saw Nathan trying to get into a good wave, but he was very late. The lip held him up and he could not complete the drop. The wave was not the biggest of the day. It was only after another two waves that I could see that the board was floating by itself, he was already far away. I saw bodyboarder Renan Farias come paddling hard towards the board and that’s where I headed too. “

„Renan was the first to arrive, then me and Usman. Renan grabbed Nathan, we started to swim to the beach, but it was very difficult because of the current. That’s when we saw a fishing boat that Pete Friedman was photographing from. Nathan’s face was disfigured, he was pulseless, getting purple and full of water, I could see we did not have much time. As Renan swam beneath him I decided to try cardiac massage and see if he would support it. It worked. “

„I started to paddle with one hand and massage with the other. Lots of water came out of his mouth. There was blood everywhere, it was the saddest scene. It took us about 5 minutes to get to the boat. I did not stop the massage at any moment, from there came several surfers, we had difficulty to get him on the boat. I went up on the boat and continued to massage, then he gave his first breath, I could see that the space in his lungs was too small, the breathing too short, so I turned him to the right side, I stopped massaging and I started to pray. “

„We took him to the nearby bay, got him out of the boat and put him in a warung. At that moment he woke up, recognized me, held my hand tight and asked me not to leave him. Then his brother and his friends arrived. We put him in a car and left for Mataram (closest town to Desert Point). There he was cleaned and given stitches, after two days he was moved to Bali.

„Thanks to God, Nathan is recovering well, the cuts were deep and very close to the eye, but he did not have any problems in the eye, he has no brain damage and his lungs are improving gradually. He broke his nose, but yesterday in Australia they did the last surgery on his nose. Today he is at home with his wife and two children; one two months old and the other two years old. Amen.“



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