

CONTEST: Tyler Wright feiert Comeback beim lululemon Maui Pro

Nach einer knapp 1,5-jährigen Zwangspause durch eine Krankheit wird Tyler Wright ihr Comeback beim lululemon Maui Pro geben!

Vor 17 Monaten bestritt Tyler Wright ihren letzten Contest. Seitdem ist einiges passiert. Die 2-fache Weltmeisterin und Schwester von Mikey und Owen Wright infizierte sich vor dem WSL Stop in J-Bay 2018 mit dem Influenza A Virus. Dieser Virus wird auch als echte Grippe bezeichnet. Normalerweise dauert es in etwa zwei Wochen, um sich von dieser echten Grippe wieder zu regenerieren. Doch nicht so bei Tyler Wright. Sie konnte sich von ihrer Influenza A nicht wirklich erholen und es wurde bei ihr dann das Post-Viral Syndrom diagnostiziert. Ein chronisches Krankheitsbild, bei welchem man mit starker körperlicher und geistiger Erschöpfung zu kämpfen hat.


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The @wsl today announced that I’ve withdrawn from the final event of the year in Maui. Its been 5 months since Influenza A prevented me from competing at J’Bay. Since then, I haven’t been able to regain full health and have been diagnosed with Post Viral Syndrome. This means I’m tired (a lot), my body aches and my brain hurts – I’m really not much fun to be around! It took me awhile to understand what was going on. Other times when I’ve been sick, I’ve been able to recover, or to push through it to compete. I’ve had great doctors and amazing support from Alex, my family, @wsl @surfingaustralia and my sponsors. There’s no clear timeline for recovery but I’m doing what I can to get back to full physical and mental health. Until then, I’ll be reading Harry Potter/my 🐝 book and living that sass queen life. All the best to the girls in Maui. Thanks everyone for your understanding and support.

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Dies ist nun ganze 17 Monate her und endlich ist es soweit. Tyler Wright konnte sich von dem Syndrom bereits etwas erholen, ist wieder bei Kräften und tritt nun beim letzten Stop der World Championship Tour 2019 auf Maui an. Ihren Comeback Heat beim lululemon Maui Pro wird sie gegen Lakey Peterson und Silvana Lima surfen und kann so bereits im ersten Heat Einfluss auf das World Title Race nehmen. Wir freuen uns, dass Tyler wieder mit dabei ist und sie sich von dieser schweren Krankheit nicht unterkriegen lässt.


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It’s been 6 months since I last gave a health update. I’m really filled with anxiety to let you know that I’ll be making my first competitive appearance since Bali 2018. The @wsl #lululemonmauipro is the next step in my recovery and I’m confident in the work, and that I’ve taken every small step possible before I’ve come to this point. Maui is a very calculated and precise step in my recovery process. Explaining 17 months of complex medical issues is not something I’m going to attempt on this platform. Simplistically I got a virus that had a crack, it messed up my brain and body function. I spent 14 months in a lot of agonising pain and no real cognitive ability to understand what was going on. I was on 24hr physical and emotional care for close to 14 months. The last 17 months have been rough and I’ve spent most of it terrified and overwhelmed. I’m still very much in the healing process from it emotionally. With that said I am excited to be heading to Maui and to be at this stage of recovery. I get to see my friends and put a jersey on and hopefully see if the little competitor within is just waiting to come out to play. Alex and only a few others have seen the extent of my illness and the state in which I was in and the work I’ve done to be where I am today. I would like to thank them for there unwavering support and love. A huge thank you to the great humans that have helped me out of this mess. It feels nice to be in the water and catching waves and enjoying life. Xoxox 🎥 @fetchfilms @thefordhamcompany

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